Get Involved

Bible Study
We meet every Wednesday morning at 10:00 am. where every session is a time for reading, studying and discerning of the Holy Scriptures and also a time for fellowship, coffee and goodies. Every second Wednesday of every month a potluck is shared among members and friends. If you would like to attend Bible Study meetings please sign up below, you will be most welcomed. For questions about Bible Study please email trinityforterie@gmail.com

Church Choir
Church choir is temporarily unable to meet due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, but we look forward to getting back together to rehearse soon.
In the past, our group met once a week for a short practice (approx. 1 hour) to review the upcoming hymns, as well as prepare an anthem appropriate for the theme of the day.
The choir welcomes everyone - no formal experience necessary - just a willingness to sing praises to our God! For more information or to sign up for choir please email us at trinityforterie@gmail.com to let us know you're interested!

Volunteer Opportunities
Are you interested in volunteering with Trinity Lutheran Church in Fort Erie? There are many great opportunities to get involved within our community. Take a look at some of our ongoing programs!
Sunday School
Sunday School takes place during worship which begins at 10:00am.
Near the beginning of the service, Pastor invites the children to the front and offers a children’s talk.
Afterwards, they are invited to join our teachers downstairs for Sunday School.

Confirmation & Youth Group
Confirmation Classes are held with the purpose to instruct our young people in the Christian Faith, beginning at the age of 12. These classes cover a variety of topics such as the study of the Old and New Testament, Sacraments, Ten Commandments, Church History, Mission Work and more. Confirmation Class is a Church Program that is offered over
the period of two years. In-person classes will resume in the month of November 2021 every other Thursday at 7 pm. For more information please contact us at trinityforterie@gmail.com .

Coffee Stop
Coffee stop has been a long-standing tradition at Trinity, which is hosted by volunteers from the congregation. Every Sunday, after our worship service, everyone is invited to join us for a cup of coffee or tea and a sweet treat or two. There is always lots of conversation and laughter shared between old friends, and new ones too.
Coffee Stop takes place on the lower level of the church and is accessible by the elevator. Learn more about our accessibility features!